Friday, May 27, 2016

Lit Circle Meeting #1

Learning Target: I can contribute to my group discussion by offering my own ideas, asking clarifying questions, and building off of other's points.

1. Finish scene performances
2. Vocab Pic/ DEJ Check
3. Group Meeting

Protocol for group meeting:

  1. Person #1 shares the passages they picked out for today and why they chose them.
  2. Other group members listen, ask follow-up questions, add insights to the discussion.
  3. Person #1 shares discussion points/questions
  4. Other group members offer their opinions on the points/questions brought up
  5. Repeat this protocol until everyone has shared
  6. Create your Found Poem

4. Self-assessment/silent reading

Found Poem Instructions:
Found Poem
Determine one of the themes in the story so you can create a found poem that reflects this theme.  A found poem is using language from the text to create an original poem. Follow these steps to write your poem:
    •  Pick out about 50-100 words and phrases that stand out to you.Focus on passages that were important to you as you were working on finding theme.  Note especially words and phrases that are powerful, interesting, or especially descriptive.  Copy these words down in a document.
    • Look back over your list and cut out anything that is dull, unnecessary, or just doesn’t feel right for your theme. Try to cut your original list in half.
    • Now arrange your words and phrases into a poem.  Pay attention to line breaks, layout, and other details that will emphasize important words and significant ideas in the poem.
    • Create a title other than “Found Poem”
The following is a link to an example of a found poem:

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